Join us in creating change in Oregon's communities.

May 28-29, 2024
Hyatt Regency, Downtown Portland

We believe community leaders are the root of change.

This conference gathers diverse community-based leaders seeking to drive collective action in Oregon's communities.

Join us in charting a transformative path for unity, empowerment, and lasting change.


As its most committed residents know, Oregon faces challenges in both urban and rural areas. This conference will champion a grassroots approach to address these challenges.

True flourishing starts with local leaders who understand their neighborhoods.

Unlock Oregon's potential by encouraging, empowering, and uniting local leadership in order to drive lasting change in our communities.

General Admission


Smaller Org Ticket


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Conference Goals

Empowering Changemakers

Attendees will be equipped with valuable tools and insights for effective advocacy in their communities. Whether you're leading a nonprofit, collaborating with neighbors, or an individual passionate about your local area, this conference is designed for you. Everyone can make a significant impact in their community.

Not Just an Event; A Call to Action

This is not just an event; it's a call to action. We're dedicated to raising awareness within our conference walls and in the public and media. You will learn about funding sources, discover partnership opportunities, make connections, and find ways to make a more significant impact. We believe caring for distressed communities is a shared responsibility because we are all part of a shared location.

Encouragement and Collaboration

We understand that collective strength drives lasting change. We know that community work is lonely, often unseen, and underecognized. This conference will foster connections, collaborations, and relationships among our guests that will reach beyond our few days together.

Proactive Community Engagement

We encourage individuals and groups to be proactive in mending their communities. This conference is a catalyst for change, inspiring and equipping attendees to take the lead in making their communities places to live, work, and thrive. At the end of the conference, there will be opportunities to join cohorts that continue the work beyond our time together.

The Bigger Picture

Our promise is that every attendee leaves the conference better prepared to contribute to the flourishing of their community. Whether you're seeking to raise awareness, improve healthcare, boost economic development, or enhance education, we're here to empower you.

Learning Tracks

These tracks aim to provide practical, actionable insights for community leaders and activists, addressing specific challenges and fostering overall community development.

The Invisible Architect

Identifying and Enriching Community Assets:

This track focuses on unveiling the often-overlooked strengths within communities. Sessions may cover asset mapping, recognizing cultural capital, and strategies for leveraging existing resources. Topics could include workshops on identifying and fostering community talents, preserving cultural heritage, and maximizing local knowledge for sustainable growth.

Untangle the Knot

Practical Steps for Completing Complex Projects:

Geared towards community leaders dealing with intricate challenges, this track offers actionable insights for navigating complexity within large scale projects, especially among multi-ethnic, intergenerational demographics. Sessions may delve into project management methodologies, effective problem-solving techniques, and case studies of successful project completions. Topics could include workshops on project planning, stakeholder engagement, risk mitigation, and adaptive strategies for dynamic projects.

Fix the Zip

Increase Health Outcomes in Your Community:

Focused on community health, this track addresses ways to enhance well-being and healthcare access. Sessions may cover public health initiatives, community clinics, and strategies for improving health literacy. Topics could include workshops on designing healthy environments, organizing health awareness campaigns, and leveraging technology for healthcare accessibility.

Track Sponsor
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Level Up

How to Start, Run, and Grow Your Organization

Tailored for those initiating or leading community organizations, this track provides foundational knowledge and growth strategies. Sessions may cover organizational development, leadership skills, and sustainable scaling. Topics could include workshops on starting a non-profit, effective governance structures, fundraising tactics, and leveraging partnerships for organizational expansion.

Call for Workshop Submissions

We are excited to be accepting submissions for the Flourishing Oregon Conference 2024.

Submit a Proposal

If you would like to submit a proposal for The Flourishing Oregon Conference, please submit here.

Nominate a Presenter

If you would like to nominate a presenter for the conference, please contact us here.


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Interested in Sponsorship?